Hoopla Help Centre

Frequently asked questions

  • At Hoopla, we believe in flexibility and freedom from long lock-in contracts. With us, you'll have the option of a three-month contract, and after that, you can continue on a month-to-month basis, giving you the ultimate flexibility.

    Our payment system is hassle-free, with monthly payments conveniently made through our secure subscription service. Our monthly fee will be charged up front, from the start of your engagement with us and you'll have full control over your subscription and payment details, making it easy to manage your account.

  • At Hoopla, we recognise the importance of budget-conscious marketing for small businesses. Our minimum spend for ads ranges from $500 to $1,000 per month. We recommend this range to ensure optimal cut-through and return on investment (ROI). Going below this threshold may significantly impact your ability to achieve effective results.

  • To ensure a seamless start to your digital marketing journey, a one-time setup fee will be charged at the beginning of the service agreement. This fee covers all aspects of onboarding, as well as the setup and configuration required to position your accounts for success. Rest assured that we handle every detail of your digital marketing setup, setting the stage for a fruitful partnership and optimal results.

  • We strive for excellence in every aspect of our service, including the timely launch of your ads. While we work closely with you to create assets, conduct audience research, and optimise your accounts, please note that it can take up to two weeks to get your ads live. The speed of this process is greatly influenced by the relationship we build and the efficiency of asset approval. By fostering open communication and swift asset sign-offs, we can expedite the process and get your campaigns up and running sooner.

  • At Hoopla, we prioritise transparency in our billing process. Depending on the package you choose, you will be directly charged by Facebook or Google for all ad spend. We do not add any markup to media spend, ensuring complete transparency. The prices you see on our packages are all-inclusive, with no hidden fees or additional charges. Our commitment to transparency means that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved, allowing you to make informed decisions for your digital marketing campaigns.

  • We value transparency and manage expectations realistically. While we cannot guarantee specific results due to variables like budget, industry, and product type, we work towards industry benchmarks as our goals.

    Throughout the month, we continually assess performance and optimise campaigns to deliver the best possible digital marketing results.

  • Hoopla offers tailored support based on the package you choose. Our top package provides a dedicated personal account manager who will be your direct point of contact for any questions or communications and will touch base regularly.

    With our smaller packages, you will have access to our dedicated digital performance support team. They will handle inquiries, assist with asset sign-off, and provide monthly reporting. This enables us to keep package costs affordable while prioritising the digital performance of your campaigns.

    Both packages include detailed monthly reporting. This comprehensive report provides insights into our performance specialists' work and gives you a clear understanding of the results achieved. With regular reporting, you can stay informed and track the progress of your campaigns.

    Rest assured that we are always available and committed to building strong and trustworthy relationships. We believe in delivering exceptional results and support throughout your journey with us.

  • Great question! For our full T&Cs you'll need to know before coming on board, head here!

  • We prioritise your ownership and control over all your accounts. If you haven't set up your accounts yet, we will assist you in the setup process. You will provide us with access to optimise the account and create/manage your campaigns, ensuring you have complete visibility and authority.

About Hoopla

About digital marketing

  • Social Ads are essential to many digital marketing strategies. By leveraging targeted Social Ads on Meta (Facebook and Instagram), businesses can reach a wider audience, engage with their customers, and cost-effectively drive sales.

  • Google Ads assist in helping businesses reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services they sell. Google offers a range of ways to reach potential consumers through tactics such as Google Search, Google Shopping, Google Display or Google Performance Max.

  • A digital marketing strategy is a plan of action that outlines how businesses leverage digital channels and tools to achieve their marketing goals. It involves identifying target audiences, selecting appropriate digital platforms, creating compelling content, and implementing paid advertising tactics. A well-defined digital marketing strategy helps businesses connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and ultimately achieve measurable results in the online space.

  • Because it enables companies to interact with their target audience, where they spend a lot of time online, digital marketing is crucial. Businesses can use it to reach a larger audience, increase brand recognition, and interact with customers more directly and specifically.

    A variety of potent tools and methods are available in digital marketing, including social media marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising, which can enhance website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. Additionally, it gives firms useful information and insights that aid in decision-making, campaign optimisation, and return on investment (ROI) measurement. In the current digital era, having a successful digital marketing plan is essential for companies to grow, reach new markets, and remain competitive.

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