Effective digital marketing that grows businesses

At Hoopla, we specialise in two key areas: paid Social and Google Ads, understanding that small businesses have limited marketing budgets but need and immediate return on their investment.

Our digital marketing packages are carefully designed to enhance your digital presence and drive growth while allowing you to customise your needs and keep costs low.

Shining a spotlight on transparent digital marketing

In an industry filled with over-promises and underperformance, we've seen it all. That’s why we’re revolutionising the digital marketing industry by prioritising positive client experiences and delivering tangible results for our clients.

Elevate your small business in the digital realm

With our cost-effective access to top-tier services delivered by experienced industry experts, we bring a fresh perspective to help small businesses succeed. Our strategic capabilities, forged through collaborations with renowned brands, give you a competitive edge in the digital landscape. Quality, affordability, and measurable results are our guiding principles, making us the ideal partner to enhance your digital presence and drive growth. We genuinely care about your success, and our affordable services deliver real value.

Our services

  • Harness the power of Social Ads on Facebook and Instagram to expand your reach, engage with customers, and boost sales cost-effectively. With our mastery in creating captivating visuals and precise targeting, your ads will seize the attention of your desired audience, yielding measurable outcomes for your business.

    • Reach your target audience

    • Build brand awareness

    • Push traffic to your website

    • Drive conversions of your product or service

  • Google Ads empowers businesses to connect with potential customers who are actively searching for the products or services they offer. With Google's versatile ad formats like Google Search, Google Shopping, Google Display, and Google Performance Max, we employ targeted campaigns tailored to your business objectives. By ensuring your business is noticed by the right people at the right time, we maximise your visibility and drive meaningful engagement.

    • Utilise a range of Google ad placement options

    • Build your brand awareness with new audiences

    • Reach users through targeted keywords and online behaviours

    • Convert clicks into customers

The tea on digital agencies

  • A digital marketing agency is your strategic partner in the online world. They help you leverage digital channels and technologies to help businesses reach their target audience, drive brand awareness, and generate leads. From developing comprehensive strategies to executing creative campaigns, our team of experts navigates the ever-evolving digital landscape to deliver results.

    Whether optimising your website for search engines, managing social media campaigns, or running targeted ads, a digital marketing agency like ours helps businesses maximise their online presence and achieve their marketing goals.

  • A digital marketing agency has the expertise to help businesses generate revenue and increase profitability. By implementing effective strategies tailored to your specific goals, a skilled agency can optimise your online presence, attract targeted traffic, and convert leads into customers.

    Through data-driven insights, advanced analytics, and continuous optimisation, a digital marketing agency can maximise your return on investment and drive tangible results. With their knowledge of various digital channels, customer behaviour, and industry trends, they can help you unlock the potential of online marketing and generate revenue for your business. Trust in a digital marketing agency's expertise to make a positive impact on your bottom line.

  • Businesses looking to expand and succeed online can gain a lot from working with a digital marketing agency. A respectable digital firm can offer helpful insights, strategic planning, and efficient execution of digital marketing initiatives thanks to their experience and knowledge of the sector. They can help your company stay competitive and relevant by navigating the always changing digital landscape with the resources and experience they possess.

    You may focus on your core business operations while saving time, energy, and resources by outsourcing your digital marketing efforts to experts. A digital marketing agency also offers access to cutting-edge technologies, a new point of view, and creative ideas that might improve your marketing initiatives. Their capacity for data analysis, results measurement, and campaign optimisation can result in increased ROI and quantifiable results.